Creating The Input Manager
Wrote the game’s Input Manager, which allows for listening to input from multiple controllers and adds some functionality to Unity’s Input system.
Creating The Sound Manager
Wrote the game’s Sound Manager, which allows the team to easily play sounds and manipulate their volumes and other characteristics at runtime.
Creating a testing report template
Created a testing-report template used by some of the team’s members.
High Concept
3D multiplayer arena dodgeball with random party modes.
My junior-year team project at DigiPen.
Unity (C#)
10 Months
The Kirthi Experience:
Will Lanoie // Producer / UI Designer
Alejandro Méndez // Visual Designer
Javier Quintero // Technical Designer
Jason Zhu // Level Designer
Creating The Portals
Responsible for implementing optimizations for the game such as an Object Pool for the projectiles which were constantly being created and destroyed.