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  • Creating The Input Manager

Wrote the game’s Input Manager, which allows for listening to input from multiple controllers and adds some functionality to Unity’s Input system.

  • Creating The Sound Manager 

Wrote the game’s Sound Manager, which allows the team to easily play sounds and manipulate their volumes and other characteristics at runtime.

  • Creating a testing report template 

Created a testing-report template used by some of the team’s members.

High Concept

3D multiplayer arena dodgeball with random party modes.


My junior-year team project at DigiPen.


Unity (C#)


10 Months


The Kirthi Experience:

  • Will Lanoie // Producer / UI Designer

  • Alejandro Méndez // Visual Designer

  • Javier Quintero // Technical Designer 

  • Jason Zhu // Level Designer



  • Creating The Portals

Responsible for implementing optimizations for the game such as an Object Pool for the projectiles which were constantly being created and destroyed.

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